Concept architecture and landscape design for an iconic building in Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg, Russia
As part of Russia preparing for the World Cup in 2018, existing Stadium and support facilities are being rebuild and redeveloped throughout Russia. Gazprom as the key sponsor to the Zenith St Petersburg team initiated the reconstruction of their Stadium on a Peninsula in central St Petersburg, as part of the reconstruction IDG was asked to prepare a concept for a VIP terminal. The VIP terminal would allow guests to arrive by boat or by helicopter to the stadium in privacy. The terminal itself is connected to the main stadium via a tunnel.
The ambition of the project was to design a terminal and building that would be iconic and sculptural in form, the guests needed to feel that they were being treated to a unique experience. The VIPs visiting the terminal may rest or have a meeting, they may simply be waiting for their car to take them to the match or their launch to return them to their hotel. Housed within the terminal are private dining rooms, changing rooms, a restaurant/bar and an extensive lounge. The landscape and public realm create a unique and stylistic environment.
The project is designed to be playful, sculptural and to be impress visitors with its elegance.
The VIP terminal is currently undergoing detailed design with the local design team.